Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

Friday, January 20, 2012

Don't be discouraged . . .

It's happened to us all at some point in time . . . a little thing called discouragement.  It sits between you and what you desire.  Sometimes it's disguised as hard work. Sometimes it's disguised as doubt that what you desire is achievable. Sometimes it's disguised as criticism from others. Sometimes it's disguised as fear of failure.

Edison failed 10, 000 times before he made the electric light.
Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times.
- Napoleon Hill

Whatever shroud discouragement wears, it's just that . . . a shroud.  Its intent is to distract your focus.  If you accept the charade, discouragement will plant more seeds of negativity.  You begin to make excuses about not having enough time, energy or money.  You begin to worry about what people will think of you.  You begin to think about times that you've wanted to achieve similar things in the past and weren't successful in doing so.

"When everything seems to be going against you,
remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it ...."
- Henry Ford

When discouragement obstructs your path, take a moment to peer past it at your goal and ask yourself a question?  Is this something I want for myself or is this a goal that I've created to please someone else?  If the goal isn't something that you genuinely want for yourself, release it.  Finding the resolve to achieve something you don't truly desire is exhausting and will not bring you satisfaction.  If the goal is authentically yours, then refocus on the discouragement and remove its veil. Look closely at what is holding you back from achieving what you want.  Address the fears, the doubts and the critics; including the biggest one . . . YOURSELF.  Then allow yourself to believe that the sense of accomplishment and happiness you will feel from achieving your goal is greater than anything discouragement can throw your way.

If we doubted our Fears instead of doubting our dreams,
Imagine how much in life we'd accomplish.
- Joel Brown

Don't be discouraged by setbacks or perceived failures.  Life has a tendency to strip away the unnecessary to make space for the unbelievable.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Make resolutions. . . EVERY DAY

As 2011 draws to a close, we find ourselves busy wrapping up old tasks and thinking about the coming year. Over the next few days, people will begin making their New Year's resolutions.  There will be promises to ourselves to lose weight, get out of debt, exercise more, stop smoking, spend more time with family, and numerous other avowals to improve ourselves and our lives.

For most, the lists are quite familiar and contain ambitions that have carried over from previous years.  But there are those that don't bother to make any resolutions at all because they think to themselves, "What's the point? By the end of January, I will have broken all my resolutions anyway."

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. 
Well, neither does bathing -- that's why we recommend it daily." 
- Zig Ziglar 

Resolutions often aren't achieved because we attempt to make significant changes at one time. Yes, the goals we identify are important to us, but we tend to set ourselves up for failure; not because we don't have the ability to achieve our goal, but because we don't allow ourselves to be human or imperfect.  For instance, we set a resolution to change a habit or a situation that took years to create, like being overweight or smoking, but we give ourselves a very limited amount of time to reverse that situation.  Too frequently, after a few insignificant setbacks, we lose focus of our goals and concede defeat.  Days, weeks, and months pass . . . and we find ourselves at the beginning of a brand new year; with those same unresolved resolutions in tow.

I think in terms of the day's resolutions, not the years'.
- Henry Moore

Why is it that we feel the need to wait for the 'clean slate' of a NEW YEAR to make impactful goals for ourselves?  EVERY DAY presents a new opportunity to make a positive change in your life.  EVERY DAY is a clean canvas from which you have the ability create the masterpiece of your life.  EVERY DAY holds the promise of a new day.  EVERY DAY is afforded unlimited possibility.  EVERY DAY is the first day of the rest of your life.

It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living. 
-Eckhart Tolle

As the current year concludes and the new year begins, remember this . . . the most powerful day to make or achieve a goal for yourself is TODAY.  Make a resolution to begin each day anew, regardless of the previous day's events, with continued focus and intent.